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"Thanks for the hook up with my antelope guide in Wyoming. He was a great guide. He had me on a nice buck the first morning before sun up. The only problem was it was 417 yards out, and I couldn't hold a sight picture. Antelope are pretty small at that distance. After hiding behind sage brush the rest of the day and seeing 3 more good bucks in the 300 yard range. Being an older guy and not moving to well I didn't get a shot off (felt bad) about that. The second day I could hardly move, but he got me within 250 yards, and we got a really nice buck, I think you have a picture. I was not expecting to walk as far as we did or set,kneel or lay behind sage brush all day as we did. That said it was a great hunt and a beautiful animal. J.W. Is a unique guide recommend for any old guy who wants a one on one hunt, or even a two on one hunt, he knows his animals and country. I don't know what else to add but thanks, the price was well worth it."
• Richard Q. •  


"Hey Serge. Thanks again for arranging the buffalo hunt. My son and I went today and we had a blast! Awesome experience and will do it again!"
• Guy B. • 


  "There is no doubt in my mind that my Mule Deer Hunt this past season was Spectacular because I booked with Urge2Hunt. Serge is the ultimate negotiator to get you the hunt you want at a great price! Thanks!"
• George M. •


"I went on your Cabo San Lucas Fishing trip with my wife and we have an awesome time. Talk about luxury! And the fishing was exciting. Great People. Great Food. Great time. Thanks Serge."
• Ron & Patty K. • 


  "I have never seen so many deer in my life! My Mulie hunt in Alberta went great - got a nice 4x4 and had plenty of choices of big bucks. The guide knew the hot spots and the food was excellent. You made it happen!"
• Kevin J. •


  Please contact us if you would like to speak with some of my past clients.
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